
How fast is this novel technology going to be a hit? Antecedents predicting follow-on inventions.

Please reference the following publication when using the data:
Pezzoni M. Veugelers R. and Visentin F. (2022) How fast is this novel technology going to be a hit? Antecedents predicting follow-on inventions. Research Policy, 51(3)

File 1: Stata script file to replicate Table 4 [Stata format .do] link

File 2: Dataset in stata format to replicate Table 4 [Stata format .dta] link

File 3: Dataset at technological trajectory-year level [R format .RData] link
Dataset description:
-CLMN_OLDA and CLMN_OLDB represent the pair of IPC classes that combined identify the novel technology
-entry_year is the first year when the combination of IPC classes appeared for the first time
-Year is the calendar year
-n_pat is the number of patent applications re-using the combination of IPC classes in each year
-cum_n_pat is the cumulated number of patent applications re-using the combination of IPC classes since the first appearance of the combination
-y_since_entry is the count of years since the appearance of the combination (It ranges from 1 to 20 for each IPC pair)

File 4: Dataset at technological trajectory-patent level [R format .RData] link
Dataset description:
-CLMN_OLDA and CLMN_OLDB represent the pair of IPC classes that combined identify the novel technology
-entry_year is the first year when the combination of IPC classes appeared for the first time
-app_year is the application year of the patent application
-APPLN_ID is the ID of the patent application